
Hi I´m Deb. I live in Madrid. I love to eat, but mostly I eat alone. This means I eat badly -really, really badly. Lately I´ve been living mostly off bags of white maltesers, which was when I decided to start blogging. I figured that even if it were only my dear friend Florence who would read this that I would be shamed into cooking more and eating better.  So if anyone other than Florence is reading this please drop me a comment, especially if  like me you´re struggling with cooking for one.

27 Responses to “About”
  1. Florence says:

    Deb is humble enough not to mention that while she does love to eat and cook, she’s (gorgeous looking and) next to being skinny – how do you do this? Where do you work out? 🙂

  2. Mary says:

    I cook for one too! I eat lots of desserts and skip the main course.

  3. Memoria says:

    Your blog is so lovely!! I love the aerial shots. I wish I could be eating alone in Madrid instead of in the center of Texas.

  4. Mike says:

    Fantastic looking blog. Love the food pictures! You don´t look like you eat much though 🙂

  5. nadya says:

    Hi Debs, what a great idea for a site! Sounds like we have something in common because I too live alone in Madrid and despite my love of good food often end up eating cereal for dinner! I find cooking for one such a thankless task sometimes (cue violins :P) but am hoping to follow in your footsteps and get inspired to make the effort – especially with summer no here, surely I can be bothered to throw together a salad?!

  6. Memoria says:

    I couldn’t find a way to email you directly, so I will just tell you here that I really appreciate your comment about your friend. Have a nice week.

  7. Kathleen Hodges says:

    I never thought I would get into blogs, but yours is right up my alley. I am a single cook, and really enjoy cooking. Finding recipes written for one is quite a challenge. I look forward to trying some of yours!

  8. Shaheen says:

    Can I come live with you in Madrid and then travel to Frankfurt for gorgeous weddings and then take a trip to Italy. Sigh! I wish I lived in Europe.

    • Como Solo says:

      Believe me, we all wish we we´re in India! I miss a good dosa so much. If you´re ever in Spain look me up, I´d love to show you around.

      • I will make you dosas!! Will ping you, if I ever come to your part of the world – thanks for your kind offer :). By boyfriend was in Spain in December and he can’t stop raving about the place.. he wants to move there!

  9. Lobstersquad says:

    Hi there!
    I didn’t know yku’d started a blog. Too bad about the white maltesers, but it sounds like they’re being chased away.
    Good luck!

    • Como Solo says:

      Actually Ximena you played a huge part in weaning me off my 3 pack a day white malteser habit. I even have a freezer full of stock thanks to your pressure cooker method!!!

  10. PA says:

    You have a wonderful blog. Adding you to my google reader!

    • Como Solo says:

      That´s so kind of you PA. I am having the ultimate crap week at work, and your comment´s really cheered me up!

  11. Charis says:

    Hi Deb!
    Just came across your blog. I love your photographs (especially the doggy ones!) and the humour!
    I struggle with cooking for one everyday! I try to eat healthy, but it’s just too tempting sometimes to be lazy and just eat 2 minute noodles.
    I will try your recipes.They look great!

  12. BetiBoom says:

    I love to be near you: stopping on the streets taking pictures of cute dogs, tasting and eating delicious food and wandering on the old streets of Madrid. But the very best is your company…maybe because we all eat “solos” (alone) that we then appreciate the food and the beautiful company of a friend as the best gift in this world.
    Madrid is so lucky having you here…your camera is a tasty witness of that.


  13. Brandy Bell says:

    hi Deb, love your little site. It’s so cozy and informative, it feels like dropping by a friends house, great job! I am moving to Madrid this month from California and will be looking for friends. Judging by your postings I would think we’d get along, and like you, I love to cook! Feel free to shoot me an email to the attached address as I’d love to get together once I’m in the city!

    ~ Brandy

  14. Sheena says:

    Deb I love your blog, perhaps more than any other. You must come back to Bombay!

    And I must go to Madrid, I think I might in July.

  15. laguirihabla says:

    Hey Lady…I just saw your message on my blog. I dont mind Thursday night. I work everyday until 9pm…and on Fridays until 8pm, but since i dont work in the centre and i have no coche it takes me a while to get back….if you´d like to get some ramen this thursday just let me know. i could be there by 10pm.

  16. Deb – just thought I’d let you know that I’ve re-launched my blog on wordpress now. Will be removing the one on blogspot soon and didn’t want you to go without that chicken rice recipe! 🙂

    So check out the new and improved blog. Fifi’s Kitchen Table

  17. Hi Deb! I stumbled upon your blog awhile ago… and recently found it again! I am an American living in Madrid with my Spanish fiance. (I actually wrote boyfriend – but we recently got engaged 🙂

    I love seeing Madrid and travel through another persons eyes. Fresh and Beautiful!

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